8 thoughts on “Nightlight of the Palais du Louvre

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  3. Gracie Johnstone

    Renate: what a wonderful site of the louvre; eh manifique! This shot you took does remind me of the trip I took to Egypt and as I approached one of the pyramids. You are taking great pictures. I wish I was there with you my friend. Your pictures are bringing memories deep from the caverns of my mind. Good times!


    • Gracie, I would like to go to Egypt and I would like you with me! I am so glad these photos are bringing back happy travel memories!!! That’s one of the reasons I write it!
      Big hugs, Renate


    • Well, I spend about 3 hours there at a time. That is about all I can absorb at one visit. To really, truly see all of the Louvre? I think a lifetime may not be long enough. But we can always try! 🙂


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